The Local Government Act 2009 provides the power for local governments to make and enforce local laws that are necessary or convenient for the good rule and government of their local government area.
Visit the Queensland Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works for more information about local government local laws.
We have a number of local laws and subordinate local laws that apply across the Central Highlands local government area. Visit the Local laws database to access the most recent versions.
New local law: Waste Management (#6)
The adoption of the Local Law No.6 (Waste Management) will enable Council to have greater control over its waste management operations, something that is especially relevant in the near future of higher resource recovery goals.
The local law replicates the provisions of the regulations of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 to ensure that Council can manage risks associated with the supply, storage, removal and treatment of waste and designate areas for waste and recycling collection within its local government area.
If required, council now has the legislative tools to increase compliance from the users of Waste services through the introduction of subordinate local laws, particularly in regard to contamination of recycling services that is a consistent issue.
It also removes the legislative risk for council of the State Government reintroducing an expiry to the provisions in the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011
The local law can be inspected and purchased at any of our offices and viewed on the Department of Local Government, Racing and Multi-cultural Affairs’ website.