Capella is a big, little town. It’s small in size and population but big in heart and community spirit.
Thanks to a successful Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Round 1, 2022/2023 application by Capella State School Parents and Citizen’s Association, Capella State School teamed up with Josh Arnold from Small Town Culture, to create ‘Capella Country Life’, a music video which made its debut at the Capella State School 140th anniversary on 13 July 2023.
The RADF funding of $6000 helped the school deliver a workshop to teach students to write, sing and perform music about their hometown. From there, a video is filmed and the footage is edited by the Small Town Culture team.
Since its launch at the 140th anniversary celebrations, attended by The Honourable Julieanne Gilbert, Assistant Minister for Education, Mayor Kerry Hayes, Cr Rachael Cruwys and Cr Gai Sypher, the video received over 650 views.
‘This amazing video is possible thanks to RADF funding’ said Capella State School Principal Christie Minns.
‘Our school community is so grateful to have this lasting memory of what it’s like to live the ‘Capella Country Life,’ she continued.
‘Seeing our children perform is just one highlight in what is an overwhelmingly positive experience for current, and former students,’ she said.
The video highlights exactly what it’s like to live in Capella, from the many and varied sporting options to the picturesque scenes of helicopter mustering amongst the Peak Downs Range. It provides a snapshot for prospective residents and sparks nostalgic memories in those who have moved on.
This is the second video of its kind made possible by RADF funding made available through partnership between council and Arts Queensland. Gindie State School engaged Josh Arnold to create a video for their school in 2022 with RADF funding as well.
The next round of RADF funding is expected to be announced in October 2023, you can keep up to date with all RADF related matters here 👉
For any enquiries, please call council on 1300 242 686.