Central Highlands Regional Council, in collaboration with the Australian and Queensland governments, invites landholders and community stakeholders to a Bushfire Management Community Workshop at the Dingo Hall on 2 October 2019 from 10.00 am.
Council’s Coordinator Disaster Management and Community Resilience Glenn Bell said the workshop was the first in a series to improve community preparedness when it comes to bushfires.
‘The workshops are funded under the joint Commonwealth and State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements provided after the severe bushfires in our region in 2018,’ Mr Bell said.
‘Bringing together landholders, local emergency services and relevant stakeholders from sectors such as mining and tourism, the workshops will cover topics such as vegetation management laws, understanding fire control and biosecurity, and working with national parks.
‘The first pilot workshop will be held at the Dingo Hall on 2 October 2019 from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm with lunch supplied.’
For more information contact Mr Bell on 1300 242 686 or via gbell@chrc.qld.gov.au
To RSVP email council’s Emergency Services Liaison Officer Michelle Bell via mbell@chrc.qld.gov.au