UPDATE 20 January 2020 – Dingo drinking water quality is now safe and this alert is cancelled as of Monday 20 January.
Safe drinking water quality was achieved and maintained over the weekend with continued monitoring and testing. Test results were reviewed by relevant authorities and Queensland Health.
Thank you to Dingo residents for your patience and cooperation.
UPDATE 18 January 2020 – The water treatment plant has been repaired and flushed through. However, the all clear won’t be issued until all the water testing is complete.
Regular monitoring for Chlorine Residual in the water supply system is conducted by council. Chlorine is used to disinfect the treated water. Low chlorine residuals have been recorded in the Dingo treatment plant water storage and the town reticulation network and council as a precautionary approach in the interest of public health is issuing a temporary boiled water notice.
As a precaution you are advised that water for consumption should be brought to a rolling boil. Water should then be allowed to cool and stored in a clean container with a lid and refrigerated.
Cooled boiled or bottled water should be used for:
- drinking, cooking, washing raw foods (such as seafood or salads), making ice, pet’s drinking water and cleaning teeth
- dishes should be washed in hot soapy water or in a Children should take bottled or cooled boiled water to school.
Council is working to alleviate the problem.
Precautions should be taken until further notice.
Please share this information with other people who drink this water, especially anyone who may not get this notice directly. For further information, contact Central Highlands Regional Council on 1300 242 686