The annual Emergency Services Day will be held on 18 August from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm at the Fairbairn Dam.
Central Highlands Regional Council Mayor Kerry Hayes said the family friendly event will feature a range of activities including tours of the Fairbairn Dam and give visitors the opportunity to get first-hand tips from the professionals.
‘The Combined Emergency Services Day is a popular event each year, giving families the opportunity to learn important and potentially lifesaving tips from our local emergency services staff,’ Mayor Hayes said.
‘Most of the time we meet emergency services staff in the stressful situation of an emergency, here you will be able to meet the people, learn about their jobs and take home tips on how to be prepared for, act and recover from an emergency or disaster.’
There will be the opportunity to look inside a rescue chopper, meet police dogs, watch demonstrations by local police, fire and rescue and ambulance teams and more. The little ones will be entertained by a jumping castle and face painting and you will be able to purchase food and drink and browse the market stalls.
‘It’s simply a great reason to head out to the dam for a Sunday morning.’
Anyone interested in hosting a stall at no cost at the event can contact council’s Emergency Services Officer Michelle Bell via email at