Comedian Sean Murphy and his ensemble Mama Dojo bring family-friendly comedy show Game Boy ’18 to the Central Highlands on 4 July 2018 with shows in three locations.
Games Boy ’18 sees comedian and super-fan of fun Sean Murphy lead kids on a hilarious, interactive exploration into the best games from around the world.
Fun for young and old, audiences will learn a little and laugh a lot in a show that takes history, play and silliness to new heights.
Shows will be held on 4 July 2018 at Rolleston Library at 9:30am, Springsure Library at 12:00pm and Emerald Library at 2:30pm.
The Emerald show is followed by an interactive games workshop where kids create games of their own.
Murphy’s tasty comedy educates and entertains, and his shows have rocked stages from Sydney to Singapore and Scotland. Whether solo MC or performing with his Mama Dojo ensemble, Murphy mixes storytelling, stand-up and clown to create truly delicious idiocy. Entry is free.