Council’s Supervisor Environmental Services Perry Dedes is reminding residents that they can help ‘fight the bite’ and reduce mozzie numbers in the region by following a few simple steps.
With ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie bringing plenty of water to Central Queensland last month, Mr Dedes said it was up to everyone to check their properties for stagnant water.
‘We all have a part to play to help reduce mosquito numbers in our community,’ he said.
‘It’s as easy as covering up, using repellent and, most importantly, cleaning up areas at home or work that can hold water.’
Mr Dedes said residents should check all containers that can hold water weekly, including loose tyres, bird baths, pot-plant bases, the plant itself, rainwater tank screens and empty buckets.
He also encouraged people to clean out their gutters regularly to ensure water can get away quickly.
‘There are two types of mosquitoes we deal with here in the Highlands – the familiar Scotch Greys that love rivers, creeks, swamps and bushland and the ones that love stagnant water near humans,’ he said.
‘While Scotch Greys can be annoying and cause discomfort, from a public health perspective they are not the ones to worry about. The mozzies that can carry disease only breed in containers that hold water around houses, buildings and work yards.
‘Tip it out, store it away when not in use and throw it if you don’t need it.’
Mr Dedes asked residents to report unusually high mosquito infestations to council immediately by calling 1300 242 686.
‘Council only fogs when mosquito numbers reach a level of concern,’ he said.
‘This is determined by mosquito trapping results and verified complaint levels. Council is currently collecting this data and will continue to monitor the situation.’
Council has also developed a draft Mosquito Management Plan.
For more information on mosquitoes visit