Local company Simon Contractors has been awarded the contract to raise New Street in Emerald.
Central Highlands Regional Council Mayor Councillor Kerry Hayes said council has a strong desire to use regional resources on projects and is delighted another large project has been kept local.
‘This job went out to a public tender and I was pleased that a local business presented a competitive price and was able to demonstrate capability,’ the mayor explained.
‘The total value of the work is $1.6 million—Simon Contractors was awarded $850,000 for the road raising component. The Queensland Government committed $800,000 from its regional infrastructure fund and council provided $800,000.
‘We were so keen to give the job to a local business that council made the decision to delay the project start to enable Simon Contractors to do the work rather than engage an out of town company for an immediate start.’
The relocation of essential services that included: water lines, sewer rising mains, parks irrigation trunk transfer mains and the raising of Ergon’s overhead power lines, has been underway over the last two months in preparation for the main road work.
‘This next phase of work is scheduled to commence towards the end of July and be completed by the end of October, weather permitting,’ the mayor said.
Council has advised that New Street will be closed adjacent to the cricket ground during the construction. Detour signage will direct traffic to alternate routes to and from Robert Street onto Opal Street, Rifle Range Road and Selma Road.
Schools in the vicinity have been consulted about the roadworks and council has recommended that everyone travelling in ‘peak hour’, particularly in the morning, plan for an extra few minutes delay.
New Street residents will still have access to their homes and no disruption to their services is anticipated.
More information about raising New Street and the other flood mitigation projects for Emerald is available at www.myfloodinfo.com.au