Notice is given under the Planning Act 2016 and the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules, that on Wednesday 29 May 2024, Central Highlands Regional Council resolved to adopt Major Planning Scheme Amendment No. 7. This affects the Central Highlands Regional Council Planning Scheme 2016. The full title of the amendment is Amendment No. 7 – Business Improvement and Innovation.
The amendment will commence on Friday 7 June 2024.
Purpose and effect: Amendment No. 7 aims to support improvements, innovation and red-tape reduction in the areas of tourism, agriculture, emerging technologies, new or expanding businesses, and urban amenity.
Amendment No. 7 also includes some changes to zone mapping, and updates to outdated overlay mapping, references, guidelines and definitions.
Access: A copy of the amendment will be available to view and purchase from the Central Highlands Regional Council office at 65 Egerton Street, Emerald.
Alternatively, it can be viewed and downloaded for free on council’s website here.
Further information on the public consultation and post-consultation stages of this amendment can be found here.
Please note that the proposed Tourism and Ecotourism Precincts (that were originally proposed during the public consultation period) have been removed in their entirety from the adopted version.
For further information, please call 1300 242 686 and ask to speak with one of our town planners or send an email to