Council is currently seeking those interested in joining an Approved Contractor List for the provision of legal services to Central Highlands Regional Council:
- Barristers
- Law firms
- Expert witnesses for Planning and Environment Court matters
- Independent medical examiners
- Legal support services providers, and
- Legal technology providers
To submit an expression of interest, please provide the following details via email addressed to: on or before 5.00 pm Friday 19 July 2024:
- Your company / individual contract information or details
- Your current rates for services offered
- If available, your capability statement (or similar) to perform the services offered.
Persons will be chosen for inclusion on the approved contractor list based on the sound contracting principles set out in the Local Government Act 2009.
Please note that inclusion on the Approved Contractor List will not constitute any guarantee of being engaged by Council to provide legal Services.
If you have any enquiries, contact council on 1300 242 686.