Central Highlands Regional Council’s half-yearly rates notices will start hitting letter boxes this week, with a 10 per cent discount available for those who pay on time.
The notices will be issued on 7 September 2017 and final payment will be due on 9 October 2017.
CEO Scott Mason said the rates collected from some 16 000 properties across the region will help council to continue to deliver vital services and capital projects for the community.
‘From road and water infrastructure maintenance to animal management services and our library programs, council is committed to building a safe and enjoyable lifestyle for our residents,’ he said.
‘That’s our role, to build and strengthen our unique communities and make this region a great place to live, work and play.’
Mr Mason said while there was no overall rates revenue increase, some individual rate payers would see increases or decreases due to land valuation and category changes.
‘The formula we use to calculate our rates is a method specified by Queensland Government legislation,’ he said.
‘It is a complex process, however there is a great fact sheet on our website that explains the procedure in very simple terms.
‘Basically, we work out what we need as a council to run the region, we calculate the total value of land valuations and then use these two figures to find the rate in the dollar. If either of these two figures change, the rate in the dollar changes and this can affect each property differently.’
Mr Mason said general rate increases had been capped at 10 per cent.
He also said the State Fire Levy was now charged per parcel of land rather than per assessment.
‘For more information about our rates and charges or payment options call 1300 242 686,’ he said.
If you have not received your rates notice by 15 September 2017, please contact council to advise the rates team.