Central Highlands Libraries are inviting people to join their pledge to recycle books and give back to libraries in need.
Council’s Coordinator Libraries Kira Nuss said the libraries had partnered with the James Bennett Sustainability Project to offer book recycling collection across the region.
‘Next time you think about throwing an unwanted book out, simply drop it off at your local library instead,’ she said.
‘We’ll add the books to our sustainability collection which means they’ll be recycled or resold, with a part of the profits going to libraries in communities that may need support.’
‘Eventually, you’ll be able to recycle unwanted books at any of council’s libraries as well as transaction and resource recovery centres.’
Ms Nuss said the libraries themselves had already recycled 1,700 books through the project.
‘Our libraries continuously fill their shelves with the latest bestsellers and publications for their visitors,’ she said.
‘Traditionally, we would offer outdated and unneeded material to visitors via a giveaway shelf, but more than often the books weren’t collected and end up as waste, so it’s a fantastic solution to be a part of the James Bennett Sustainability Project.’
Ms Nuss said libraries will still be offering giveaways on special occasions, like the Garage Sale Trail or in the form of specific donations.
Library solutions partner James Bennett hosts the Sustainability Project as part of an end-to-end procurement solution to public libraries and helps libraries recycle unneeded books.