They may not be taking over the world just yet, but robots are at the centre of a new program to be rolled out in libraries across the Central Highlands.
Thanks to almost $10 000 in funding from the State Library of Queensland (SLQ), residents of all ages will soon have access to free coding and robotics activities.
Central Highlands Mayor Cr Kerry Hayes said the initiative, facilitated through SLQ, would introduce Queenslanders to new technologies using a welcoming, fun and learn-through-play approach.
‘This great initiative will help our residents, particularly our children, gain the skills and confidence needed to engage with new technologies – something that is crucial in our increasingly digital world,’ he said.
‘These activities are a must for anyone interested in seeing how things tick or who are excited by advancing their digital literacy.’
Participants will learn how to read and create code, load the code onto robots, build robots and ultimately control a robot.
More than $300 000 in coding and robotics funding has been provided to public libraries and Indigenous Knowledge Centres across Queensland.
Free programs will introduce Ozobots, used to teach the basics of coding; LEGO Mindstorms, used to take programming to a more advanced level and; MBots used to teach the engineering and design elements involved in building and programming a robot. Other programs will also introduce animation apps and creating wearable tech.
For bookings and information on upcoming activities, contact the Central Highlands Libraries on 1300 242 686.