What would you like to see at the old Blackwater pool site?
Central Highlands Regional Council invites people to have their say on the redevelopment of the old Blackwater pool site.
Council has launched an online engagement campaign and will hold a consultation session on 6 December at the Blackwater Town Centre.
Mayor Kerry Hayes said there are many ways of redesigning the area between MacKenzie and Wey street and up to the Blackwater International Coal Centre.
‘Council has developed a concept plan that includes an RV park, re-use of the old pool amenities for visitors, an amphitheatre for events, a memorial garden, a plaza space and plans for a new library and multi-purpose centre’ he said.
‘I encourage people to give feedback and put forward their ideas for the area, either online or by attending one of our consultation sessions.’
Mayor Hayes said it is important to note that these are concept plans only at this stage and there is no budget allocated towards project completion.
Once community feedback has been received, council will develop a draft design and engage in a further round of consultations in 2019.
To give feedback online, visit council’s online engagement hub or attend the community consultation:
Where: Blackwater Town Centre
When: Thursday, 6 December 2018, time TBC
For more information, call 1300 242 686 or visit one of council’s customer service centres.