Central Highlands Regional Council is considering developing a master plan to guide future improvements of the Springsure aquatic centre.
To get the process started, council is seeking community feedback about the existing facility.
Councillor Christine Rolfe said the feedback received is important to guide further research and planning.
‘We would like to hear from people using the aquatic centre how it can be improved and encourage people who perhaps aren’t current users to share what would appeal to them,’ Cr Rolfe said.
‘Also, the data collected will give council insights about the number and types of visitors.
‘This is important to guide planning, funding and designing future developments.
‘I encourage people to pick up a survey at their local council customer service centre or library branch or download a copy from council’s online engagement website.’
Completed surveys need to be returned by 5.00 pm on Monday 8 April 2019 either in person, at any council customer service centre, by email to enquiries@chrc.qld.gov.au or by post addressed to Manager Community Recreation and Facilities, PO Box 21, Emerald, QLD 4720.
For more information, please phone 1300 242 686, visit haveyoursay.chrc.qld.gov.au or visit your local council customer service centre.