UPDATE 25 November 2020:
Due to unforeseen circumstances council has postponed the Bushfire Management Community Workshop scheduled for Bluff on 28 November 2020 until early 2021. RSVP’s have been contacted and will be notified when a new date has been set.
UPDATE 28 August 2020:
Council has postponed the Bushfire Management Community Workshop scheduled for Arcardia and Carnarvon. The workshop is now planned for a future date. People in the area are encouraged to register their interest for the Bluff workshop by emailing mbell@chrc.qld.gov.au or calling 1300 242 686.
UPDATE 17 August 2020:
Council has postponed the Bushfire Management Community Workshop scheduled for Bluff on 23 August 2020 due to a lack of registrations. The workshop is now planned for September or October with the exact date to be confirmed. People in the area are encouraged to register their interest for the Bluff workshop by emailing mbell@chrc.qld.gov.au or calling 1300 242 686.
Central Highlands Regional Council, in collaboration with the Australian and Queensland governments, invites landholders and community stakeholders to Bushfire Management Community Workshops.
Council’s General Manager Communities John McDougall said the workshops were a continuation of the successful program started in 2019.
‘The workshops are funded under the joint Commonwealth and State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements provided after severe bushfires in our region in 2018,’ Mr McDougall said.
‘Bringing together landholders, local emergency services and relevant stakeholders from sectors such as mining and tourism, the workshops will cover topics such as vegetation management laws, understanding fire control and biosecurity and working with national parks.’
The workshops will be held at the following dates and locations:
- Bauhinia community hall | 22 August 2020 | 10.00 am to 3.00 pm
- Bluff community hall | Postponed
- Wallaroo Outback Retreat for Arcadia residents | Postponed
- Wallaroo Outback Retreat for Carnarvon residents| Postponed
People who would like to attend must RSVP to mbell@chrc.qld.gov.au to ensure management of participant numbers and for catering purposes.
For more information contact council on 1300 242 686.