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Advertising devices

Billboards, signs and other forms of advertising that can be seen from a road or public place are a great way to get your business or product in front of customers.

Before installing an advertising device or structure, it’s important to know whether you need a permit, who issues it and where to look for specifications and placement rules.

  • Advertising devices on private property

    When placed on private property, an advertising device must comply with specifications outlined in council’s planning scheme advertising devices code. Depending on the type of device, a development approval may be needed for operational work.

    It’s accepted development if it’s for a sign type described in the advertising devices code other than one of the following types:

    • above awning sign;
    • billboard sign;
    • pylon sign;
    • projecting sign;
    • roof sign;
    • roof-top sign; and
    • not a third party advertising device.

    Code assessment if not otherwise specified.

    A development approval application Ele can be made on DA Form 1 to the development and planning team in person at a customer service centre or via email to

  • Advertising devices on public property

    When placed on public property owned by council, an advertising device must comply with specifications outlined in council’s Local Law No 1 (Administration) 2012.

    This includes permits for advertising on council footpaths and council-controlled roads. An application for advertising devices, commercial or otherwise should be completed in accordance with this local law, and include the required accompanying documents including details of the proposed advertising device. A local law permit application can be made on the application form provided on council’s website in person at a customer service centre or via email to

    Good applications help expedite the assessment process. So contact council, to discuss either application prior to submitting it.

  • Advertising devices on state-controlled road corridors

    When placed on state-controlled land, an advertising device must comply with specifications outlined by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR).

    You can contact DTMR on 13 23 80 to find out what you need to do before advertising on state-controlled land.

  • Do you already have the advertising device?

    If you’ve got an advertising device on your property now, contact council’s Planning and Development Team immediately. They will advise you of the best way to have it approved retrospectively. Always get approval before you purchase your shipping container. Otherwise, you may have to remove it, if your application is unsuccessful, or you may face compliance action if it remains unapproved.

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