The Game Plan

In 2028 Sport in the Central Highlands enriches the lifestyles of our active community, sport will be accessible, inclusive and provide opportunities for all.

That is the vision of the Game Plan – council’s 10-year plan for organised sport and active recreation in the Central Highlands.

Adopted in December 2017 and developed in consultation with community members, clubs and elected members, it serves as a framework to grow sport and and recreation under the following principles:

  1. Sustainability
  2. Collaboration
  3. Progression
  4. Actively involved organisations

Five goals indicate how sport and recreation can achieve these goals in line with the Game Plan principles.

  1. Council and clubs make informed decisions.
  2. Policies and procedures are in place to guide decisions.
  3. Healthy clubs that are compliant and here for tomorrow.
  4. Our facilities are strategically planned, creating one connected network.
  5. Council empowers clubs to be proactive and prepared to grow active participation.

Resources and support for sports clubs and establishing tenure over council-owned and controlled land and facilities lay the foundation to achieve these goals.

Indicators of long-term success will include increased participation in sport and active recreation, healthy sports clubs and communities and efficient and adaptable multi-user facilities.

Engagement and consultation

More than 100 sports clubs and 250 sports people participated in 352 hours of community engagement, 144 hours of face-to-face consultation, multiple surveys and roadshow stops.


Learn more about the Game Plan via the links and resources below.


Emergency Management Dashboard

Up-to-date weather, road closure and disaster information.