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Sheds and Carports

The size and height of a shed (Class 10a structure) is determined by the planning scheme and the setbacks are determined by the Qld Development Code.
Planning scheme requirement
If the size of the shed or sheds combined is greater than 100m2 (10 x 10) on anyone property then an application for a development permit is required to be lodged with Council as the size exceeds the maximum within the PO9.1 of the dwelling house code. Secondly, if the height of the internal walls of the shed are greater than 4.5m this will also trigger a development permit against the planning scheme.  The application you need is known as a Building Works assessable against the Planning Scheme (BWAP application).
Qld Development Code
In terms of setbacks, the Qld Development Code prescribes Acceptable solutions for a dwelling house and/or a Class 10 structures. Where these acceptable solutions cannot be met, an application for boundary setback relaxation is required to be submitted to the Local Government. This is called a Referral Agency Application which is assessed against the performance requirements of the QDC. Relevant plans and reasonable justification are required to support the proposal.  General requirements are:-
  • The setback for structures (including carports) is typically 6 metres from any road boundary for lots larger than 450 square metres and 3-4 metres for lots less than 450 square metres;
  • The side and rear setback for structures is typically 1.5 metres from however Class 10a structures (such as sheds and carports) can be less when the total building length is not more than 9 metres.
If you are not sure whether you required a BWAP and RAR application please email your details through to

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