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Wild dog bonus payment

Wild dog bonus payment

Please note, all scalps must be either individually frozen or salted and dried when presented to the below collection centres, they must not be presented in a manner that is offensive due to odour or poor condition. CHRC reserves the right to refuse any scalp that is presented in an offensive or decomposed state that represents difficulty in identification. This includes any scalp that is suspected of poisoning from either 1080 or strychnine.

The current payment is $30.00 each and can be organised at any of these collection centres.


Name  Location  Phone
Rangers Office 68 Borilla Street, Emerald 1300 242 686
Springsure Office Eclipse Street, Springsure  

1300 242 686

Duaringa Office William Street, Springsure
Blackwater Office Mackenzie Street, Blackwater
Capella Office Conran Street, Capella

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